Saturday, February 7, 2009

Friday's Weight Results

I got back on the wii results were 31.12 BMI.  Anything higher than 30.00 is obese according to BMI.  

This happens to be 217.5 pounds which was my weight 30 days ago.  This will be the starting point I supposed.

I need to be losing weight.  Like I said before I am at the age (25) where I could either choose to be fit or let myself go and have a battle with health issues the rest of my life.

Thanks for those who are be honest with you that is encouragement that has forced me to take this seriously.

1 comment:

Turvie said...

Hi Chris,

We just got our Wii Fit and I want to give my support to you as you working on losing weight. My BMI is 39, so yes, I do need to lose weight. I am hoping the wii fit will help with that as well! Good luck and I'll keep checking back to see how you are doing!!! My best most encouraging thoughts are with you!!